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Statement delivered by Nestor Osorio ambassador, Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations



First of all I present my thanks to Mr. Alain LeRoy Under-Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operation and Ms. Valerie Amos Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, for their reports on the evolution and recent developments in the Republic of Haiti. My regards to the distinguish Ambassador of Haiti.

Colombia and Haiti share not only maritime borders and a historical past, but also the greatest desires for the welfare of its people.

Our country has expressed and reiterated in multiple scenarios at the highest-level, its interest in accompany and support the humanitarian labor and the reconstruction of Haiti. At the United Nations’ General Assembly on September 24th, 2010 President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos called upon the Security Council to "consider the possibility of transforming the stabilization operation in Haiti [MINUSTAH] in to a Development Operation for this nation." Today we reaffirm that conviction because it is more and more evident that Haiti is in need of a solid institutional capacity, a stronger democracy, development in infrastructure and as a result,  foreign investment to generate employment and create prosperity.

This undoubtedly builds upon the principles of the noninterference of Haiti’s internal affairs, independence, national sovereignty, cultural identity and diversity, to achieve development and reconstruction.          

Colombia as many other States has joined in providing humanitarian aid to Haiti but we consider there is no need to reiterate in detail this aid. However we are convinced that the cooperation given is not enough to meet the needs of a population with whom the world has a historical debt. In the faces of anguish, pain and sadness of Haitians there is not only hopeless but the opportunity to be better human beings, to ennoble the meaning of the word life and above all to be solidary from our innermost fibers with no other expectation of reward than to answer the call of our consciences.

We know that with the MINUSTAH mandates to maintain security, facilitate the creation of a stable government, the disarmament, the demobilization and reintegration of all armed groups and the assistance in reforming the police and justice system, the mission still has major commitments. It is time to focus the scope that has been given by the Security Council to this mission, so that together with the Organization of American States and other regional bodies we achieve a rapid stabilization and reconstruction of Haiti.

We agree with the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in his concern for Haiti, in particular its need to carry out successfully the started election process. Therefore, we believe that the completion of the second round of elections is "critical" to the recovery, reconstruction and development of Haiti. We must concentrate all efforts to this end aiming to support the Haitian government, its authorities and the Organization of American States and its Secretary General who has also maintained ongoing interest in the matter.

Within the mandate of MINUSTAH are those of “foster principles and democratic governance and institutional development.” Thus, the consolidation of the electoral system, the strengthening of justice and the concretion of a legislature acting in connection with the needs of its people, are ever more pressing priorities. Colombia supports the call for MINUSTAH to continue supporting projects that contribute to a climate of trust in the electoral system.

International financial institutions and donors worldwide have a central role in the future of Haiti. The development and welfare must be coupled with the social consciousness of these institutions, so as to amalgamate dividends with progress, security and peace.

Finally, we are convinced that all actions for the recovery and strengthening of Haiti, through sectoral and coordinated planning, which allows the participation of all Haitian political and social actors in the process of national reconstruction, is an indispensable prerequisite. Likewise we call on the countries and organizations that made offers of cooperation to ensure its prompt realization so that ongoing efforts are not in vain.

Thank you very much, Mr. President