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Statement issued by the Government of Colombia

Washington, 08 abril. (MRE). President George Bush announced today the Administration will send to Congress the implementing bill for the Colombian Trade Promotion Agreement with the United States. The Government of Colombia is confident that US legislators from both parties will recognize the great importance that this agreement has, not only for trade between the two countries, but for peace and prosperity for Colombia, and overall hemispheric stability. 

The FTA will greatly enhance the progress that Colombia has made:

·         In 2007 we had the lowest kidnapping rates in over 20 years and the lowest homicide rates in 15 years.

·         Since 2002 homicides have been cut by 40%, and that of union members by over 80% thanks to the policies put in place

·         Last year, poverty fell by 13 percentage points, equivalent to 10 million less poor persons

·         The unemployment rate in 2007 was 9.9%

The Colombian economy is the fifth largest in South America, and grew at a rate of 7.52% in 2007. Colombia is the fourth largest market for U.S. goods in South America, and its continued growth will create and even greater market for U.S. goods and services. The elimination of tariffs on U.S. goods into Colombia will increase market opportunities for U.S. exports and promote stronger economic ties.

We have been pleased to host over 50 members of Congress over the past several months and we look forward to continuing to work with many more as the FTA moves forward.

Colombia is a success story, in part thanks to the bi-partisan support received from the U.S. Congress and people. This is the moment when we need our allies side by side to keep building a new Colombia. FTA is a tool to enhance democratic security, recover peace and boost prosperity for all.

Colombia has been a long-standing ally of the United States, and the FTA will strengthen this already close relationship.

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