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Official announcement Foreing Affairs

The Government of Colombia requests respect from the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez. 

President Hugo Chávez has seized every opportunity to abuse Colombia, its Government and its leaders. He has ignored the terrorist actions of the guerrilla, its participation in drug trafficking, the crimes committed by them against children, women and the elderly, kidnapping and other crimes classified as terrorism, as crimes against humanity, according to the procedures, provisions and rules of the United Nations and the Organization of American States.

President Hugo Chávez is mistaking cooperation with interference, just as he mistook mediation with bias.

President Hugo Chávez has ignored that the Colombian guerrilla, although it commits crimes in many parts of the country, has no control over any part of the territory. Likewise, he has ignored the kidnappings of both Colombian and Venezuelan citizens by the Colombian guerrilla in Venezuelan territory.

President Hugo Chávez must be aware that the creation of the Democratic Security policy was solely caused by the rebellion of the Colombian people against terrorism which for fifty years has kidnapped and murdered.

Such Democratic Security policy has greatly progressed, despite the fact that President Hugo Chávez chooses to interpret the contrary. Just as para-militarism is being dismantled, it will not be long before the guerrilla is defeated; the only argument of the guerrilla today is to cause terror with the torture of those kidnapped and the cynical disclosure of such abuse.

The Government of Colombia requests President Hugo Chávez to cease his aggressions against our Nation.

The Government of Colombia shall insist through the diplomatic channels for argumentative and constructive conversations with the Government of Venezuela.

Bogotá, January 16, 2008

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