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Joint press release Colombia – Ecuador

New York, Sep 24 (OP).

1. The Governments of Ecuador and Colombia have initiated a direct dialogue process in order to normalize their diplomatic relations.

2. To this purpose, the Presidents have instructed their respective Ministries of Foreign Affairs to each appoint a Chargé D’Affaires next month as an initial measure.

3. The Government of Colombia reiterates its commitment whereby there shall be no military or security operations in the territory of Ecuador.

4. The Government of Ecuador reiterates that it does not and will not tolerate the presence of illegal armed groups in its territory and that any armed incursions shall be repelled, even by force, should it be necessary.

5. Both Governments shall propose mechanisms to improve the humanitarian situation of the Colombian citizens who are refugees in Ecuador. Colombia, along with other nations and entities, shall provide the proper support in funding and services to its refugee citizens.

6. The Governments of Ecuador and Colombia are committed to reactivating the Binational Border Commission and to broaden the coordination and communication mechanisms among civil authorities, the army and the police. The Government of Colombia shall continue to make all efforts necessary to maintain its presence at the nations’ common border.

7. The legal affairs currently being processed by the relevant international entities shall not be discussed during these dialogues, unless both nations agree to do so. 8. Colombia declares that it does not recognize the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the justice system of Ecuador to investigate and try Colombian officials and former officials. The Government of Ecuador declares that it recognizes the independence of State Functions and that it respects and observes the regulations and processes of the Judicial Branch nationwide and international regulations regarding jurisdictions and competency.

9. Both Governments have agreed that they shall request the mediation of the Carter Center and the Organization of American States to address the public requirements of Ecuador and Colombia. The Working Commissions responsible for working out or even solving, where possible, the issues submitted by both countries shall be set up in no more than two weeks. The issues are:

a) Criminal security and control: to improve matters regarding safety, drug trafficking, criminal actions and violence on the nations’ common border, within the capacities of each.

b) Border Development: to jointly organize development plans and projects for the common border.

c) Sensitive considerations: to address the requirements expressed by the countries conducive to the normalization of their diplomatic relations.

10. The Governments of Colombia and Ecuador acknowledge the importance of advancing in the Positive Agenda and agree to reactivate the Neighboring Commissions. They consider that their brotherhood is invaluable and they have manifested their will to build a new bilateral relation, based on mutual respect and effective cooperation in the furtherance of their respective potentials, the fight against their common threats and the consolidation of peace.

11. They especially thank the Carter Center and the Organization of American States for their cooperation during the approach and normalization process concerning the relations between the two nations.

(The end)

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