
Through seminars, workshops, courses, technical missions, scholarships and virtual tools, the Strategy provides professionals, technicians, students, public servants and teachers of the Caribbean Basin region with the opportunity to share success stories, exchange knowledge and strengthen skills within the six work areas of the program, in order to develop local skills and stimulate collaborative work in the region.

“Short Course on Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language”. November 15 to December 15,  2011

In the area of Bilingualism, the Government of Colombia has opened the invitation “Short Course on Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language” for the 15 English-speaking countries of the Caribbean Basin. The aim is to provide the basic tools that will allow teaching Spanish as a foreign or second language.

The course is directed by the Centro de Español para Extranjeros (CEPEX) of the Universidad Externado de Colombia, and offers four learning modules: teaching, didactics, grammar and culture.


“Evidence of Climate Change and extreme events”

In furtherance of the Disaster Risk Management, one of the 7 working areas of the Caribbean Strategy, the invitation for the “Evidence of Climate Change and extreme events”, has been opened. The workshop is targeted at the 25 countries of the Caribbean Basin and will take place in Bogotá, Colombia from October 31 to November 4. Its aim is to offer meteorological entities and institutes of the Caribbean countries the knowledge and tools for the proper use of the RClimdex software, which allows analyzing precipitation and temperature trends.



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