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Supplication Notes

Presentation of a Supplication Note is supported by the requirement for testimony of a Minister or diplomatic agent of a Foreign Nation accredited in Colombia or a person belonging to his/her delegation or family or when information or documentation is held at the Embassy of the Foreign Nation in Colombia is required, the procedure must be requested through a Supplication Note addressed to the head of the mission for him/her, if he/she so wishes, to provide a sworn certification or permit the person requested to do so or provide the information requested. Such request must always be remitted through the Ministry of Foreign Relations.


This service is free of charge

Address for the service to be requested:

Carrera 5 No. 9-03, Bogota D.C. - Colombia, 8:00 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. and 2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Requisitos Generales:

  • This is always a petition addressed to the Embassy of the respective foreign country, so that, if it so wishes and considers it pertinent, it may provide the information or permit a declaration to be made by a person, in the form of a sworn certification, according to the matter presented.
  • The requirement for certification of signature and incumbency of position is not required in the case of supplication notes addressed to ministers, diplomatic agents or consular officers of a foreign nation accredited in Colombia, or a person belonging to his/her delegation or family.