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About the Ministry

"To the international community, here represented by the distinguished representatives of a number of friendly countries and international organizations, I repeat my determination and the determination of my Government to maintain the best possible and most respectful relations with all countries in the world".

President of the Republic, Juan Manuel Santos
August 7, 2014


Strategic planning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Revolving Fund.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the senior agency for foreign affairs in the Colombian administration, and its duty includes, under the direction of the President of the Republic, the formulation, planning, coordination, execution and evaluation of foreign policy, international relations, and the administration of the foreign service.


In addition to the terms of Article 59 of Law 489/1998, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the following functions:

  1. Formulation and proposal of the Colombian State’s foreign policy to the President of the Republic.
  2. To execute Colombia’s foreign policy, directly or through the various entities and organizations of the State.
  3. To evaluate the foreign policy of the Colombian state and to propose adjustments and modifications as appropriate
  4. Attending to the country's needs and interests, to maintain relations of all orders with other States and international organizations, directly or through Colombian diplomatic missions and consular offices accredited abroad.
  5. To promote and safeguard Colombia's interests and those of its nationals before other states, organisations and international mechanisms, and to the international community.
  6. To act as an interlocutor, coordinator and liaison for all official actions pursued between other Government entities and the governments of other countries, and international organizations and mechanisms.
  7. To participate in the formulation, orientation, integration and harmonization of sector policies and programmes which are the responsibility of the different entities of the State, when related to foreign policy.
  8. To articulate the actions of the different entities of the State at all levels and of private individuals where appropriate, with regard to international relations and Colombia's foreign policy in the ambit of policy, security, the economy and trade, social development, culture, environment, human rights, international humanitarian law, science and technology and international cooperation, based on the principles of equity, reciprocity, and convenience.
  9. To issue a preliminary opinion for the negotiation and signature of treaties, accords, and international conventions, without prejudice to the constitutional powers of the Head of State when acting as director of international relations.
  10. To participate in the processes of negotiation, with the cooperation of other national or regional entities, if applicable, for international instruments, and their follow-up, evaluation results and constant verification of compliance.
  11. To promote and strengthen Colombia's bargaining power in relation to other subjects of international law.
  12. To participate in the formulation and execution of foreign trade policies and trade integration in all the aspects.
  13. To guide and formulate international cooperation policies in the range of modes available, and evaluate execution.
  14. To form and define, in consultation with related sector authorities, the level of delegation to represent the country in international bilateral and multilateral meetings.
  15. To preside over delegations representing Colombia, at the orders of the President of the Republic, in bilateral and multilateral meetings, or to delegate that function, where appropriate, to other entities.
  16. To administer Colombia’s foreign service, and adopt measures as necessary to operate in accordance with guidelines and priorities of foreign policy.
  17. To formulate orientate, execute and evaluate Colombia's migration policy, and grant authorizations for aliens to enter Colombia in coordination with the Security police (DAS).
  18. To formulate, orientate, execute and evaluate foreign policy matters concerning frontier integration and development, in coordination with sector authorities at national and regional level, where appropriate.
  19. To encourage, articulate, finance or co-finance the implementation for frontier development and integration programmes and projects, in coordination with sector authorities at national level, regional entities and international cooperation organizations competent to execute same, in accordance with the National Development Plan.
  20. The formulate and execute activities for the protection of the rights of Colombians abroad, and to take relevant actions with the authorities of the country in which they are to be found, in accordance with the principles and rules of international law.
  21. To apply the regime of privileges and immunities to which the Colombian State is committed.
  22. To process the naturalization of aliens, and to apply the legal regime for nationality as appropriate.
  23. To issue passports, and to authorise their issue through agreements with other public entities, where considered necessary.
  24. To act as the Technical Secretariat of the Foreign Affairs Advisory Commission.
  25. To exercise such other powers as are confirmed conferred by the law or delegated by the president of the Republic.

Note. The formulation, orientation, execution and evaluation of Colombia’s migration policy and the grant of authorizations for aliens to enter the country contained Section 3.17 of Decree 3355/2009, as of the effective date of Decree 4062/2011, is effected in coordination with the Special Administrative Unit Migración Colombia, which replaces the security police DAS.

As a result of the suppression of DAS, the objectives and functions referring to supervision and control of migration and aliens, were transferred to the Special Administrative Unit Migración Colombia.


Functions of the Ministry´s Revolving Fund.

Decree 20/1992 determine the legal nature of the ministries Revolving fund, and assigned its function.

Legal Nature

The Ministry’s Revolving Fund is a National-Order Special Administrative Unit endowed with independent legal existence and its own assets, answerable to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The headquarters are in Bogotá, but the Fund may be established in other cities in Colombia or abroad.


  1. To purchase and sell, exchange and rent or lease movable and immovable property for use in the service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, diplomatic missions and consular offices and residents of such offices abroad, as appropriate, and their officers.
  2. To contract the construction, remodelling, adaptation and maintenance of assets required for the smooth functioning of the Ministry, and of diplomatic missions and consular offices, and residences of their officers abroad, where necessary for and for their own activities.
  3. To order and contract the printing of passport books, and the range of forms required for Ministry activities. It is understood that the issue of passports as such, and authorization for aliens to enter the country, is a function of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which may not be delegated.
  4. To withdraw and dispose of obsolete assets, or owned assets now no longer in use or unserviceable, and those of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, without being subject to any special procedure
  5. To manage resources in pesos and other currencies in its possession, in accordance with the needs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Foreign Service.
  6. To acquire loans in Colombia or abroad, subject to proof of financial capacity to attend to debt servicing, and to the authorisation of the Ministry of Public Finance, where legally necessary.
  7. To finance and fund the running expenses of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for its effective functioning, and prompt rendering of services.
  8. To enter into all forms of contract including trusts, as may be necessary to attend to the prompt and promptly and efficiently to the needs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Foreign Service.
  9. Other duties as required by the law, and those proper to its nature and objectives.


Strategic planning.


To promote the national interest through the strengthening and geographical and thematic diversification of foreign policy, giving priority to international cooperation and development of frontiers, and fostering links with Colombians abroad.


By 2018, Colombia will consolidate and strengthen bilateral and multilateral relations in order to contribute to peace, equity and education, and will strengthen the relation with Colombian nationals through the rendering of efficient and effective service.

Policy for an integrated management system

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Revolving Fund, in performing their duties, and committed to continuous improvements in efficacy, efficiency and effectiveness of the integrated management system, will propose, orientate, coordinate and execute foreign policy, administering the resources of the Foreign Service in a timely and opportune manner, and for this purpose, our efforts are directed towards:

  1. Diversification of the foreign policy agenda and consolidation of Colombia's presence and positioning in the international scenario; strengthening of migration policy and the consular service; encouragement for the social and economic development of frontier regions and the integration with neighbouring countries; and the consolidation of the offer and demand of international cooperation.
  2. The promotion of the strengthening of human talent, guaranteeing competence and commitment.
  3. The promotion of the maintenance of physical, mental and social welfare among public servants in the Ministry and its Revolving Fund
  4. The management of employment risks in order to prevent occupational accident or illness.
  5. The preservation of the environment by controlling aspects and impacts generated by the activities proper to the Ministry and its Revolving Fund.
  6. Compliance with the requirements of interested parties.
  7. Compliance with applicable current regulations.


Strategic objectives and strategies

  1. Diversificar la agenda de política exterior hacia sectores ejes del desarrollo nacional, fortaleciendo las relaciones bilaterales y velando por el cumplimiento de los compromisos adquiridos.

1.1. Fortalecer las relaciones bilaterales con los socios tradicionales y no tradicionales
1.2. Promover a Colombia como un país contemporáneo, innovador, diverso, inclusivo y comprometido con la búsqueda de la convivencia pacífica desde el Plan de Promoción de Colombia en el Exterior

  1. Consolidar la presencia y posicionamiento de Colombia en instancias globales, multilaterales, regionales y subregionales para la defensa y promoción de los intereses nacionales.
2.1. Promover, defender y mejorar el posicionamiento de los intereses nacionales en escenarios multilaterales
2.2. Establecer alianzas internacionales en relación con las políticas globales de drogas, y a la formulación de políticas que incorporen nuevos enfoques.
2.3. Difundir en los escenarios internacionales los esfuerzos que desarrolla el Estado colombiano para garantizar la protección y el respeto de los Derechos Humanos, y privilegiar el intercambio de buenas prácticas en la promoción y protección de los mismos.
  1. Fortalecer la política migratoria y el servicio consular
3.1. Ampliar la atención y vinculación de colombianos en el exterior
3.2. Preparar al país para enfrentar y atender de manera adecuada el crecimiento de los flujos migratorios
3.3. Fortalecer los canales de comunicación con el ciudadano
  1. Impulsar el desarrollo social y económico de las regiones de frontera y su integración con los países vecinos
4.1. Desarrollar un plan alineado con la estrategia de cierre de brechas y convergencia regional
4.2. Fortalecer la operación de pasos de frontera
4.3. Construir e implementar mecanismos binacionales que permiten la ejecución de programas y proyectos transfronterizos
4.4. Promover, la defensa de los intereses nacionales frente a posibles amenazas que deriven en la vulneración de su integridad territorial o de su soberanía
  1. Fortalecer institucionalmente el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y su Fondo Rotatorio
5.1. Fortalecer la infraestructura física.
5.2. Adquirir sedes y dar apertura a nuevas representaciones diplomáticas.
5.3. Implementar la estrategia de Gobierno en Línea
5.4. Implementar mecanismos de lucha contra la corrupción, transparencia y promoción del control ciudadano.
  1. Consolidar la oferta y la demanda de cooperación internacional en función de los objetivos de política exterior que sirvan a los intereses fundamentales del país.
6.1. Afianzar las relaciones y consolidar las estrategias regionales con América Latina y el Caribe, Asia-Pacífico, Asia Central, África.
6.2. Posicionar a Colombia como oferente de buenas prácticas a través de la cooperación Sur–Sur.
6.3. Fortalecer los mecanismos de coordinación y seguimiento con que cuenta el Sistema Nacional de Cooperación Internacional.
  1. Implementar y fortalecer herramientas y modelos que permitan mejorar la eficacia, eficiencia y efectividad del Sistema Integral de Gestión
7.1. Mejorar continuamente el Sistema Integral de Gestión.
7.2. Implementar el Sistema Integral de Gestión de las Embajadas de Colombia en el exterior.
7.3. Implementar el Sistema de Gestión Ambiental y el Sistema de Salud y Seguridad en el trabajo.
  1. Desarrollar y fortalecer las habilidades, aptitudes y conocimientos del Talento Humano.
8.1. Desarrollar procesos de selección y formación integral del Talento Humano.
8.2. Promover el ingreso, la formación integral y los procesos de ascenso de los funcionarios de la Carrera Diplomática y Consular incentivando la excelencia académica.
8.3. Fortalecer la cultura organizacional y el clima laboral


 Code of values

Conozca aquí el documento en PDF

  • Loyalty. We are loyal to our country and we work for the national, institutional and public interest for the benefit of Colombia, above all personal positions.
  • Vocation for service. We are ready to respond promptly and pleasantly to requirements from Colombian and foreign users, state agencies, our missions abroad, and our stakeholder groups.
  • Respect and good treatment. We maintain forms of diplomatic courtesy, respect and good treatment in all the actions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Revolving Fund.
  • Transparency. We make the process and results of our activities clearly and promptly known to our stakeholder groups.








  1. Foreign Affairs Advisory Commission;
  2. Technical Committee for the Organization and functioning of diplomatic and consular missions;
  3. Academic Council for the Diplomatic Academy;
  4. Coordination Committee for the Internal Control System;
  5. Diplomatic and Consular Career Staff Commission;
  6. Career Administrative Staff Commission;
  7. Institutional Committee for Administrative Development.