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Political and economic affairs

As part of consolidation of its politically dynamic agenda and in harmony with the new international scenario, the Ministry of Foreign Relations is promoting a dynamic, articulated agenda on economic, social and environmental issues at inter-sectoral level. This has enabled Colombia to exercise recognized leadership in the negotiation of international instruments and facilitated its positioning in the different aspects of sustainable regional and international development.

For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this economic, social and environmental agenda, which is the fundamental linchpin of the Santos Administration’s “positive agenda”, is today a priority and a guiding light for Colombia’s relations with the rest of the world. It also provides an opportunity to consolidate common endeavors with strategic countries and forums favoring Colombia’s progress in its policy of good governance, as well as enhancing its recognition as a both regional and world actor, with governmental experience and policies which are compatible with development, democracy and social equality.

The following are the principal actions being undertaken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in multi-lateral economic, social and environmental areas.