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International Labor Organization (ILO)

It is a specialized agency of the United Nations in charge of the issues regarding work and labor relations. It was founded on April 11, 1919 in the framework of the negotiations of the Versailles Treaty. Its constitution was approved in 1919 and it complements the 1944 Declaration of Philadelphia.

The ILO has a tripartite government made up by the representatives of the governments, unions and employers. Its supreme agency is the International Conference that meets every year in June. Its administrative body is the Administration Council, which meets every four months.

This executive agency meets three times a year in Geneva, and makes decisions regarding ILO’s policies, and defines the program and the budget to be presented at the Conference for approval. It also appoints the Director General.

The headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1969, ILO received the Nobel Peace Prize. This agency is made up of 183 national states (2010). http://www.ilo.org/global/lang--es/index.htm