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Foreign Policy

Colombia's foreign policy focuses on the consolidation and strengthening of institutions and policies which, in turn, respond to the pace of change which is characteristic of the international system. For this, the Government has placed special emphasis on securing growth and competitiveness, equality of opportunity and the consolidation of peace, as a means of attaining greater regional integration and diversification in relations and in the agenda.

At the same time, the intention is to draw out issues in which Colombia has developed the capacity and potential. The State will continue to highlight its achievements as an international reference-point in the fight against the World Drugs Problem, terrorism, institution-building and the commitment to the defense and promotion of human rights.

Bilateral relations will be fostered with countries where there has been insufficient emphasis so far, seeking normal mechanisms which will help to improve political approaches, and secure greater opportunities for trade, investment and technological exchange. Colombia will also continue to deepen relations with its traditional and strategic partners.