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CONPES 3603 Document

The Conpes Document on Comprehensive Migration Policy submitted the Comprehensive Immigration Policy (PIM) of the national government for consideration of the National Council for Economic and Social Policy (CONPES). The policy integrates guidelines, strategies and intervention actions for Colombians living abroad and foreigners residing in the country. It is focused on: 1) providing a comprehensive treatment to each of the development dimensions of this population and 2) improving the effectiveness of the instruments used for the implementation of strategies and programs related to the migrant population.

As a general condition, the development focus of Conpes 3603 is the defence, protection and guarantee of the rights of all people involved in migration processes and the creation of scenarios that benefit their decision to migrate under conditions of freedom where citizens build their own destiny with the support and protection of the State.

The document recognizes five principles which should address migration dynamics and public policies to be implemented in the search for alternative solutions to the insufficient care to migration issues.

i) Principle of coherence: Give to others what I claim for me. In that sense, the Colombian government must act consistently with international migration dynamics. Reciprocity will be the requirement for the development of policies, actions and extension, creation or deletion of migration regulations.

ii) Principle of comprehensiveness and long-term validity: immigration policy should be adjusted to the specific dynamics of migration, globalization and political, economic, social and cultural situations of the places of destination and of Colombia. This will allow flexilbility on the treatment of migration scenarios.

iii) Principle of consistency: migration policy is understood as an essential part of Colombian foreign policy. In this sense, it is necessary for Colombia’s positions in the process of negotiating bilateral and multilateral treaties and agreements to be in accordance with the PIM.

iv) Principle of full respect for individual rights: Migrants have rights and obligations, in accordance with domestic and international law. In that sense, Colombians abroad and foreigners in Colombia are recognized as having inherent rights both internationally and in Colombian legislation.

v) Principle of targeting: A general principle of the attention provided to Colombians abroad and foreign nationals in Colombia is to afford priority assistance to those in vulnerable circumstances as a result of their own condition or the situation in the countries of destination.

The following long-term objectives will be achieved with the implementation of the proposed Action Plan:

  1. To achieve the defence, protection and guarantee of the rights of Colombians living abroad and foreign nationals living  in Colombia.
  2. To strengthen the transfer of skills to Colombia of those Colombians that represent a high level of human capital, and to maintain and expand training opportunities for Colombians abroad and foreign nationals in Colombia.
  3. To guarantee an offer of permanent, sufficient and effective government services for Colombians abroad and foreign nationals in Colombia, taking account tof he constant changes in the dynamics of migration.
  4. To ensure regular migration in accordance with international standards.


The specific objectives of the CONPES Comprehensive Migration Policy Document are:

  • To build institutional and organizational guidelines needed to implement actions for the migrant population. 
  • To achieve full implementation of the proposed actions for each of the development dimensions of the migrant population.


The participating entities and their macro-lines of action are the following:






• Ministry of Education



• Higher Education

• Recognition of qualifications

• Loans and grants

• Technical Education


• Ministry of Culture

• Ministry of Foreign

• Cultural, sports and training promotion.


Participative and

• Ministry of Foreign Affairs

• Community Plan


• Ministry of Social Protection

• Pensions
• Health
• Labor migration programs


• Ministry of Commerce

• Ministry of Foreign
• Ministry of the
Environment, Housing
and Regional Development

• Productive investment of remittances


• Ministry of the Interior


•Human trafficking

• Migrant smuggling



• Ministry of Foreign Affairs


•ECRE Pilot test

• Mobile Consulates and virtual processing