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Colombia and Slovakia established diplomatic relations on January 1, 1993.

Diplomatic and consular Slovak affairs with Colombia are handled since November 1, 2005 by the Slovakian Embassy in Brazil. Colombia does the same from the Embassy in Austria.

On March 30, 2006 the Consulate Ad Honorem from Slovakia was opened in Medellin. The Honorary Consul is Mr. Genaro Perez, President of Colanta. In 1999 the Honorary Consulate of Colombia was opened in Bratislava. Mr. Miroslav Behün is the present Honorary Consul.

Mr. Anton Siekel, a prominent businessman, has been the Honorary Consul of Colombia in Slovakia sin 2009. Mr. Siekel replaced Mr.Miroslav Behün.

Meetings and visits:

  • Dec/2011 Visit of the Slovakian Ambassador to Brazil, concurrent to Colombia, Branislav Hitka, who met with the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Director for Europe and other national entities, such as the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of National Defense and Proexport, in order to promote and boost economic relations and cooperation in subjects such as trade, defense, security and investment in our country.
  • Nov/2011 Visit of the Honorary Consul of Colombia in Slovakia, Antón Siekel, who came with businesspersons and former Slovakian diplomats. Meetings were held to make contacts in entities such as Proexport, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism and the Directors for Europe and the Consular Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Meeting between Foreign Minister Bermudez and the Secretary of State, Olga Algayerová (EU-LAC Summit Madrid May/2010).
  • Nov/2007 Visit to Colombia of the Minister of Agriculture, Miroslav Jureña. He visited the Colanta plants in Bogota and Medellin.
  • Nov/2004 Official visit of Minister Carolina Barco, first visit of a Foreign Minister of Colombia to Slovakia. Foreign Minister Kukan stated support to President Uribe’s policies.

Main agreements in force:

Conventions: Protocol on Consultations between Foreign Ministries, signed in Bogota on April 2, 1998.