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The Services System provides services and benefits that help to improve the quality of life of Colombians abroad and their families by providing opportunities for training, facilitating social security issues, the use of financial systems, positive validation of qualifications and favorable conditions for the transport of professional, industrial and domestic goods and equipment.

Likewise, it promotes the good use of remittances and their investment in educational and housing projects.

Colombian Security Abroad Program: Through the Colombian Security Abroad Program, the Social Security Institute - ISS- provides for all Colombians resident abroad to affiliate and contribute to the General Pensions System or to continue contributing as they did at some time in Colombia. For further information, click here

Voluntary saving for credit purposes: The work group of the Migratory, Consular and Citizen Services Department, Colombia Nos Une, together with the National Savings Fund, opens the door for Colombians abroad  to access favorable credit conditions, through voluntary saving, at the best rates in the market, and to invest in housing or education in Colombia. For further information, Go to: https://www.fna.gov.co/internas/colombianosexterior/

Accreditation and Validation of Qualifications: The working group of the Migratory, Consular and Citizen Service Department, Colombia Nos Une, facilitates the dissemination and channeling of information on the different rules, requirements and bilateral and multilateral agreements that are available for the purposes of accreditation and Validation the qualifications of Colombians who studied abroad. If you require further information, Go to www.mineducacion.gov.co

Property Fairs abroad: This is a strategy seeking to promote investment by Colombians abroad in housing projects that property developers are carrying out, jointly with financial institutions, in the cities outside Colombia with the largest number of Colombian immigrants.

Bi-national Health Week: The Bi-national Health Week is a project in which Colombian general consulates, together with those of countries such as Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Ecuador, Salvador, Peru and Bolivia participate every year during the month of October. Health professionals contribute to this effort with care for the migrant Latin population in the United States and Canada through campaigns, diagnoses, examinations and preventive medicine promotion days.

Virtual Training Videoconferences: Together with different persons and entities, the working group of the Migratory, Consular and Citizen Service Department, Colombia Nos Une, gives videoconferences for Colombians abroad  on different subjects of interest to position them at the forefront in techniques, mechanisms and new theories in different disciplines in order for them to be more competitive in their private, educational and business activities.

National Open University - UNAD
Under a agreement between the Colombia Nos Une Internal Working Group of the Migratory, Consular and Citizen Service Department and the National Open University (UNAD), academic training is provided at the levels of: Primary, Secondary and Technological levels, as well as Undergraduate (Business Management, Engineering Disciplines, Social Communication, Psychology and Agronomy) and Postgraduate in Agricultural, Livestock and Environmental Sciences, Engineering Disciplines, Prospective and Strategic Management, among others. For further information, Go to www.unad.edu.co

EAN Universidad: The purpose of the agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Relations, the International Migrations Organization (OIM) and EAN is to provide educational and training opportunities and to strengthen the knowledge and skills of Colombians and their families living abroad who are users of the RedEsColombia (www.redescolombia.org), as well as Colombians who have returned home and their families and immediate relatives (within the first degree of consanguinity). The programs available are:  Business Management (Internationally accredited), International Business, Marketing and also one year specializations in: Business Management (Internationally accredited), Human Resources Management (Internationally accredited), Government and Public Administration and Quality and Innovation Processes Management. For further information, please contact e-mail informacion@ean.edu.co  or Go to the University’s website: http://www.ean.edu.co/

Virtual courses provided by SENA (National Apprenticeship Service) for Colombians abroad: These provide Colombians with training via the Internet in art, culture, enterprise, sports, natural and applied sciences, social, educational, religious and sciences and governmental services, among others, through over 430 virtual courses. More information is available at http://www.senavirtual.edu.co/

Access to education from abroad:


  • Postgraduate Loans abroad
    There are two exterior loan modalities: US$8,000 and US$16,000. These loans may be accessed by all Colombian citizens who accredit a professional, technical or technological qualification, regardless of their place of residence, and who have an admission certificate or enrolment receipt for a program of recognized international prestige recently issued by the teaching centre abroad. Further information at: www.icetex.gov.co or write to roritz@icetex.gov.co
  • Loans for advanced language studies
    Students in advanced higher education semesters, when the Colombian university has a agreement with the institution abroad. Colombian professionals resident abroad may also access this line of credit in compliance with the ICETEX general requirements. There is financing for programs of more than 3 months and a maximum of one year for a maximum amount of US$8,000.
  • International scholarships for Colombians
    Available for all Colombian citizens who fulfill the requirements of the donor. In some cases, the Donor of the scholarships stipulates that only Colombians resident in this country may apply for these programs. For further information Go to www.icetex.gov.co, link Programas y becas internacionales (International programs and scholarships), as well as the  link Becas vigentes ó periódicas (Valid or periodic scholarships) where you will find a list of the programs offered by the different governments and international bodies, as well as the universities abroad with which ICETEX has an agreement.

    For further information, write to mcamargo@icetex.gov.co or call the ICETEX International Relations Office in Bogota, Colombia, on 2843319.