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Press Release CIDH

Bogotá, August 13, 2009 (MFA). In relation to press release 59/09 of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights–IACHR- regarding the alleged illegal activities of officers of the Administrative Security Department -DAS- against one of its members, the National Government declares:

1. On the request of the Government, the relevant criminal and disciplinary investigations on this case, as well as others involving the alleged irregular activities of DAS officers, have been initiated by the Offices of the Attorney General and the Solicitor General, which are fully autonomous and independent from the Executive Branch.

2. The National Government has been absolutely transparent and has given its full cooperation to the Attorney General in its investigations related to this case.

3. Administrative measures within the Administrative Security Department -DAS- have been taken on the initiative of the President of the Nation and the agency is currently undergoing a restructuring process.

4. The Government rejects and condemns any type of activities incurred into by public servants, which infringe the rights and hinder the exertion of the freedoms of people or organizations and is expecting a prompt conclusion with regards to the investigations and the identification of those responsible.

5. The Government declares its respect for the tasks of the international agencies in Colombia, especially those of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

(The end)

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