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Press Release

The Government of Colombia informs:

1. In October 2008, the Armed Forces of Colombia impounded three rocket launchers in a camp of the Farc ‘narcoterrorist’ group, at La Macarena in the Department of Meta.

2. The Swedish Government has confirmed that the material was manufactured in Sweden and sold to Venezuela in 1988.

3. Sweden has asked for an explanation from Venezuela.

4. Last 2nd of July, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia, Jaime Bermúdez, gave the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, during a private meeting in San Pedro de Sula (Honduras), a document in which there is evidence about the possession of those rocket launchers by narcoterrorists of the Farc, which were part of a batch sold by the Swedish Government to the Government of Venezuela in 1988.

5. In that same meeting, on June 2 in San Pedro de Sula, MOFA Bermúdez gave also documentary information, in which two leaders of the Farc narcoterrorist group mention the collaboration received from three officials of the Venezuelan Government in the delivery of some rocket launchers, similar to the ones impounded by the Armed Forces in La Macarena.

6. The Government of Colombia gave that information in a discrete way, in order to get clarification from Venezuela.

7. Until now, Venezuela has not answered, despite our permanent and reiterative disposition for dialogue.

8. The Government of Colombia has received additional information which confirms that the Farc narcoterrorist group has been trying to get earth-air missiles.

9. The Farc narcoterrorist group arranges the acquisition of the earth-air missiles through international weapon traffickers form other countries.

10. The Government of Colombia has asked and asks these other countries for collaboration, to avoid terrorist weapon trafficking and capture traffickers

Guanacaste, Costa Rica, July 29 2009.

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