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Congratulatory message on the occasion of National Day of Colombia to be observed on 20th July, 2009

From: H.E. Mwai Kibaki, President of the Republic of Kenya

To: H.E. Alvaro Uribe Velez, President of the Republic of Colombia

On the auspicious occasion marking the 199th Anniversary of Independence of the Colombia. I convey on behalf of the Government and people of Kenya, and on my own  behalf, warm congratulations and best wishes to the government and people of Colombia.

I note with satisfaction the warm and friendly relations that Kenya and Colombia have enjoyed over the years. These excellent relations are founded on shared mutual interest and common aspirations in enhancing our bilateral and multi-lateral engagements. My Government is desirous of strengthening our collaboration in various sectors including public transportations system, environmental conservation and the prohibition of the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of anti-personnel mines and their destruction.

As we join you in celebrating this historic occasion, I reiterate my Government`s commitment to further deepen the close ties of friendship and cooperation between our two countries for the mutual benefit of our two peoples.

I wish your Excellency continued good health, happiness and prosperity for the people of Colombia.

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