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Diplomatic relations between Colombia and Belgium started in 1873. Both countries have Embassies in the relevant capital cities.

Bilateral relations with Belgium have always been cordial and respectful. In June 2011, Minister Holguin visited Brussels and met with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Belgium, Steven Vanackere. They discussed the Agreement to Promote Investments between Belgium, Luxemburg and Colombia as well as the Trade Agreement with the European Union.

Likewise, different topics were discussed on the international agenda, highlighting the role of Colombia as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and on the interest of the country to enter the OECD. Apart from that, they addressed the situation of Haiti, Libya, Syria and the Great lakes region. They referred also to the renewal of relations between Colombia and its neighbors, overcoming the situation in Honduras and on UNASUR.

Important Agreements Signed with Belgium:

  • Basic Convention on Technical Cooperation.
  • Extradition Convention.