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History of the Ministry

The historical background of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ organization goes back to the 1821 Constitution. Thereafter, the Ministries or State Secretariats were in certain occasions, established by the Constitution. In other instances, their number and organization was determined by Law. This system was finally adopted in 1886.

Law enacted on May 11/1843 organized Foreign Relations as the State Secretariat. Upon extinguishment of the Grenadine Confederation Government, the Foreign Relations Office became a part of the Government and Public Order Offices; it recovered its autonomy by way of Law 10/1880.

In 1901 certain initiatives were carried out tending to organize the Ministry and the Foreign Service, making them more technical. Decree 1017-bis of such year reorganized the Chancellery and determined the staff to its service with their corresponding assignments.

By way of Law 51/1935 the Ministry was reorganized and the assignments of the employees were determined. (Decree 2063 dated November 21,1935 stated the corresponding appointments). Law 114 issued on November 18, 1937, granted authorization to the Government to reorganize the Ministry and to create the Diplomatic and Consular Career. Since its creation, it has undergone several modifications.

Lastly, Decree 1091 issued on March 26, 1948 regulated diplomatic ceremonies.

Colombian Decorations.

The Boyacá Order: created by the Liberator to reward the efforts and sacrifices of the 1819 liberating campaign led by the founding fathers is the most valuable award granted by the Republic. The first award was made at the Main Plaza of Bogotá on September 18, 1819. The National Government, at the 1819 liberating campaign centennial, granted the Boyacá Cross to the officers of the army as a remembrance of such commemoration, through Decree 1667 of August 8, 1919. By Decree 513/1922 such concession was extended to the military and to the diplomats of Colombia’s friendly nations.

San Carlos National Order: By means of Decree 2397 of August 16, 1954 the San Carlos National Order was established, which is awarded to Colombians and foreigners, civilians or military who have rendered outstanding services to the Nation, especially in the field of international relations.

Military Decorations:

The medal "Francisco José de Caldas", destined to the members of the Military Forces in active service, created by Decree 3404/1950: The decoration "Distinguished Services regarding Public Order", is destined to the members of the Military Forces that are outstanding in a distinguished action of value in public order service within the national territory, and was created by Decree 803 issued on March 27, 1952.

Industrial Merit Order: By Decree 2898 of October 1st/1954 this Order was created. By Decree 3436 dated October 5, 1948 the Civil Medal “Camilo Torres” was created. By Decree 2912 dated November 30, 1956 Resolution number 1 of the same year from the Directive Council of the National University was approved creating the Medal “José Felix de Restrepo” official decoration of the National University School of Law and Political Science.

Organization Regulations Executed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Since 1954.

  • DECREE 1197 dated July 9, 1958 pertaining to the Organization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • DECREE 2017 dated July 17, 1968 pertaining to the Organization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • DECREE 2472 dated September 5, 1968 amending Decree 2017 of July 17, 1968
  • LAW 11/1190 established the organic structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and determined the functions of its dependencies, granting certain powers and issuing other provisions.
  • LAW 33 dated March 16, 1990 amending the structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and issuing other provisions.
  • DECREE 2126/1992 whereby the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was restructured and the functions of its dependencies were determined.
  • DECREE 1295/2000 whereby the structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was modified.
  • DECREE 274/2000 whereby the Foreign Service of the Republic and the Diplomatic and Consular Career were regulated.


COLOMBIA. MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Antecedentes de la Organización y Función del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores: Historia Bibliográfica de la Memoria al Congreso Nacional. / Consuelo Pedraza Gallardo. Bogotá, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1991. 63 p.  

COLOMBIA. MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Manual para el Servicio Exterior de Colombia/ by: Luis Humberto Salamanca. Bogotá, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, page 414.  

COLOMBIA. Decree Laws etc. Decree 2126/1992, 1295/2000, 274/2000. Bogotá, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 199?.

Complete information on this historical brief description may be consulted at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Library.